as amended Sept 23 2017

BY LAWS (Approved by membership on September 12, 2004)

as Amended Sept 10, 2005 as
Amended July 11, 2015


Article I – Name

The name of this organization is the Richmond Area Daylily Society (hereafter the “Society”), and it is a social club for the enjoyment of growing and promoting daylilies. These Bylaws and any amendments thereto shall be kept in the possession of the Treasurer.  Copies of said Bylaws shall be maintained by the President and by the Secretary.  The Society is a non-profit, non-stock, incorporated organization and, operating under Virginia law, and is managed by a Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors is comprised of the Officers of the Society elected by the membership as specified in Article IV below.

Article II – Purpose

Section 1:  To support educational and scientific research related to the genus Hemerocallis in conjunction with the objectives of the American Hemerocallis Society (AHS).

Section 2:  To promote, encourage, and foster interest in and proper cultivation and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis.

Section 3:  To provide a varied program of horticultural and social events for the enjoyment, education, and advancement of its members and the public.

Section 4:  To encourage membership in the American Hemerocallis Society and actively seek affiliation with AHS.

Article III – Membership

Section 1:  Membership in the Richmond Area Daylily Society shall  be open to any person who is interested in the purpose (See Article II) of the Society, adheres to the Bylaws, and pays the appropriate dues.

Section 2:  The dues of the  Society shall be fixed by the Board annually. A family shall be defined as two adults living at the same address and their children under the age of 18.

Section 3:  The Business and fiscal year of the Society shall be the calendar year. Dues shall be paid by January 1, but are receivable until March 31.

Section 4:  Any member failing to pay Society dues shall be removed from the membership roll of this Society on March 31 and will no longer receive benefits of membership.  Prior to removal the Membership Chairman will contact the delinquent member during the first week of March to encourage payment.  If the dues are paid prior to April 1, the membership will not be interrupted.  If the dues are paid after March 31, but before September 1, the dues will apply only to the remainder of the current year.

Section 5:  Dues paid after August 31 shall apply to the next calendar year.  Such memberships will not be entitled to vote for the slate of Officers during the current year but may be extended other benefits of the club prior to the next calendar year.

Section 6:  Honorary or Life memberships may be conferred upon individuals.  An Honorary or Life membership shall include all the privileges of membership.

Article IV – Board of Directors/Officers (hereafter the “Officers”)

Section 1:  The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted.  Officers of the Society shall be members of the American Hemerocallis Society.

Section 2:  At the regular meeting held in July, a Nominating Committee of three members including the Chairman, shall be nominated and elected by the members. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled. The slate of officers shall be presented at the August meeting and published in the newsletter thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting where elections are held. At the September Annual Meeting, nominations may be made from the floor. No member’s name shall be placed in nomination without that person’s consent to serve if elected.

Section 3:  Officers shall be elected by voice vote, show of hands and/or ballot at the Annual Meeting in September. They will be recognized as new Officers in the Newsletter and at the November or next meeting after election.  The new Officers will assume their responsibilities on January 1st of each year.

Section 4:  The officers shall be elected to serve for one year. No member shall hold more than one office at a time. No more than one person may be elected to any office from the same family.

Section 5:  The President shall:
Preside at all of the Society meetings in such a manner as to promote the best interests of the Society as a whole and in accordance with the Bylaws
Call special meetings (with notice as required in Article V, Section 4) when deemed advisable.
Serve as ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee.
Appoint a Membership Chairman, who will maintain the membership list, collect, deposit and advise the Treasurer of the deposit.
Appoint an Editor for the newsletter who will produce the newsletter and email (or mail if without email account) to members.  The newsletter will constitute advance notices.
Perform such other duties as are normally incidental to the Office of President, as prescribed by the parliamentary authority, for one term or until the beginning of their successor’s term.

Section 6:  The Vice President shall:
Perform all duties of the President in the absence, disability or resignation of the President. Fulfilling an unexpired term shall be counted as an elected term.
Perform such other duties as are normally incidental to the Office of Vice President, as prescribed by the parliamentary authority, for one term or until the beginning of their successor’s term.

Section 7:  The Secretary shall:
Keep an accurate record of all approved minutes, which will become the property of the Society and will be transferred to the incoming Secretary.
Maintain a list and location of club property and provide it as needed for others to conduct the business of the club.
Perform such other duties as are normally incidental to the Office of Secretary, as prescribed by the parliamentary authority for one term or until the beginning of their successor’s term.

Section 8:  The Treasurer shall:
Receive all Richmond Area Daylily Society funds and deposit them into an approved bank or financial institution.  Membership dues will be deposited by the Membership Chairman, as noted above.
Disburse such funds as authorized by the Society.
Disburse a maximum of $200 when authorized by the President
Provide an itemized financial report of all income and disbursements at every regular business meeting.
Be the chairman of the Finance Committee.
The financial records of the Society shall be inspected once a year prior to the September Annual Meeting by a non-Board member of the Club, who shall be approved by the Board and compensated for services.  Results shall be presented to  the Board of Directors.

Perform such other duties as are normally incidental to the Office of Treasurer, as prescribed by the parliamentary authority.

Article V – Meetings and Quorums

Section 1:  The Society shall hold at least 4 scheduled business meetings a year.

Section 2:  Regular meetings will be held on the second Saturday of the month and/or as decided by the membership.  As prescribed by the Bylaws, three (3) of these meetings must be held in July, August, and September for Nominations Committee formation, nominations, and elections.

Section 3:  The regular meeting held on the second Saturday of September shall be known as the Annual Meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise.

Section 4:  Special meetings may be called by the President and may be called by the President upon the request of five members of the Society. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call.  Except in cases of emergency, at least four (4) weeks’ notice shall be given.

Section 5:  A quorum shall consist of members present at any meeting in order to conduct business at a general meeting.

Section 6:  A simple majority vote will suffice to conduct affairs of the Society at a general meeting.

Article VI – Committee   The chair of each committee shall be appointed by the President, shall serve for one year and may be reappointed. The committee chair shall, with the President’s approval, select members of the committee.  Subject to the directions and approval of the Officers, the principal functions of the Society shall be performed by committees, to whom shall be delegated all necessary authority to enable them to meet their duties within the approved budget.  The Officers shall have the authority to create and abolish all standing and special committees and to delegate to such committees such powers and functions as it may deem proper.   Ad hoc committees may be established as needed for events or purposes such as the Region III meeting, Bylaws, etc. Additional standing and ad hoc committees may be established by the Officers as required.

Article VII – Parliamentary Authority

Section 1:  The rules contained herein shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Society may adopt.

Section 2:  Rules of Order shall be as follows –

a. Agenda – the President shall prepare a written agenda for the meeting for the meeting, which will consist of, at minimum, a call to order, old business, new business and adjourn.

b. Motion – motions are used to discuss a new item of business. They are introduced on the agenda, and can also be suggested at the meeting. The word “motion” is quite old-fashioned in many organizations, but it means an idea or subject for discussion. Motions can also be used to suggest an action to be taken or a decision that should be made by the organization. Motions must be made, seconded by a different person (a person who seconds a motion is someone who supports it), debated and then voted on. If there is no second or in other words, no support for the motion, it is dropped.

c. Question – this can be used to terminate a debate so that a motion can be voted on. As with all of the other actions, it needs to be seconded by a different person. Directly after this a vote is held and a majority is needed for it to pass. In the case of the vote passing, the motion is then voted on directly.

d. Amend – sometimes a motion needs to be changed after it has been debated a bit. Someone might suggest an amendment, and in this case, it must be seconded to be voted on. If accepted, the amendment stays.

e. Call for vote – After discussion has ended a majority vote will pass the motion.

f. Adjourn – someone will make a motion to end the meeting. Once again, this motion must be seconded and followed by a vote to adjourn the meeting. The agenda helps to set a time and schedule and usually the chairman will call to end the meeting.

g. Minutes – the minutes of the meeting will be documented throughout and distributed to the attendees/members after the meeting is over. Decisions and tasks are also included and are tracked in the system, for easy management and reliable follow-up.

Article VIII – Amendment of Bylaws

Section 1:  Amendments of Bylaws Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by a majority vote at any meeting, provided such amendments have been submitted at the previous meeting and subsequently published in the newsletter.

Article IX – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Corporation, after paying or adequately providing for its debts and obligations, its Officers shall submit a plan for approval by a simple majority of voting members present at a business meeting called for this purpose, to distribute assets of the Society to like organizations or those which qualify as tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Service Code or the corresponding provisions of a future Internal Revenue Service law.





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