Rads daylily show and sale was held on June 15 2019. Thank you to all that helped and participated in our event.
Congratulations to our winners!
Unusual Flower—Isabelle Rose—Ann Fowler
Best in Show Spider—Banana Pepper Spider—Ann Fowler
Extra Large—Heavenly Pearl of Wisdom—Michael & Paulette Miller
Large—Tidewater Elf—Michael & Paulette Miller
Small—Small World Fairytale Princess—Michael & Paulette Miller
Miniature—Toy Trumpets—Michael & Paulette Miller
Seedling—Michael & Paulette Miller
Youth—Heavenly Sun Star—Kaitlynn Terry
Sweepstakes—Michael & Paulette Miller
Ed Jordan Award—Small World Ann Marie Ittner—Michael & Paulette Miller
Bob Clary Award—Siloam Uruguay Winniford—Jacob Fogg
Off Scape—Papa Goose—Connie George
People’s Choice Award—Small World Goose on the Loose—Michael & Paulette Miller