The Plants for Members Committee shall consist of at least three members of the club that have extensive knowledge in growing daylilies. Committee members must be approved by a majority vote of the club at the meeting which they assume their responsibilities. The committee shall be empowered to research, select, and purchase plants. The committee shall, from volunteers of the Society, select the growers, oversee the planting, digging, and division of Plants for Members plants prior to the auction meetings. The committee shall have the authority to determine fair and reasonable reimbursement for a member growing club plants. The committee shall file a written report with the Secretary and report to the members of the club at each meeting following purchase or sale of Plants for Members plants.

Article IX –

Plants for Members

Section 1: The Plants for Members program of the Richmond Area Daylily Society is designed to allow members the opportunity to purchase at auction, newer and better cultivars for their own collections at considerable savings. The program also provides the membership with valuable information on hybridizers, their introductions, and their cultivars’ suitability for our region. The Plants for Members program of the Richmond Area Daylily Society shall be self-perpetuating and self-supporting.

Section 2: The Plants for Members program of the Richmond Area Daylily Society shall be managed by the Plants for Members Committee. The committee shall be empowered to research, select, and purchase plants within the budget set forth for Plants for Members. The committee shall, from volunteers of the Society, select the growers, oversee the planting, digging, and division of Plants for Members plants prior to the auction meetings. The Plants for Members Committee is responsible for all aspects of this program, whether stated or not.

Section 3: Members who accept responsibility for growing plants purchased by The Plants for Members Committee shall demonstrate that they understand and consent to all covenants of this program, by virtue of taking possession of said plants.

Section 4: To be eligible for consideration as a grower for the Plants for Members program, a member must have paid his current RADS dues, have attended at least 4 meetings in the last twelve months, and demonstrated skill in cultivating daylilies.

Section 5: Members who accept the responsibility of growing Plants for Members plants should provide the best growing conditions to ensure an atmosphere that fosters increase. After the Plants for Members plants have been grown for two years, the entire plant, including increase, shall be returned to the Richmond Area Daylily Society for auction.

Section 6: To be eligible to participate in a Plants for Members auction, a member must have paid his current RADS dues and be a member in good standing.

Section 7: All plants and increase shall remain the property of the Richmond Area Daylily Society. The grower may not set seed on any club plants. Should the grower leave the club for any reason or be unable to return the plants as scheduled, the grower agrees to allow members of the Plants for Members Committee to retrieve said plants.

Section 8: All plants shall be sold to the club members without reservation.






RADS Spring 2016 p4m purchase

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