2022 Calendar

Please note. Meetings will be held temporarily at the Henrico Public Library at 10600 Gayton Rd 23238 unless otherwise stated.  Changes will be sent out via email prior to meeting.

March 26, 12:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.  We will be allowed to bring food, so  please bring a dish to share. 

April 23,  11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. This meeting being held at the home of Paulette and Michael Miller. Plants for Members auction. Please bring a dish to share. For more information on plants to be auctioned, please check you email dated April 6th from Connie George,

May 13  – May 14 Lewis Ginter Spring Plantfest (RADS  members contribute plants and help with sale)   https://www.lewisginter.org/event/spring-plant-fest/ 

June 18 RADS Daylily  Show and Sale at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens

July 6-9 AHS National Convention in Asheville,  NC     http://www.ahs2022national.com

August 13,   Slate of officers for 2023 shall be announced

September 16-17 Fall Plant Sale at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. RADS  members contribute plants and help with sale)  https://www.lewisginter.org/event/fall-plant-sale

Sept 18 meeting at Lee Payne’s garden  at 1430 Schloss Rd, N. Chesterfield, VA 23225. Lee’s family will be donating smoked Boston Butt barbecue and coleslaw. The club will provide drinks, rolls and paper products. In order to know how much food to purchase please RSVP to this connie.george3@aol.com if you plan to attend and bring a side dish or dessert to share. We will also  enjoy a small plants for members auction.

Sept 24 Picnic and garden tour at the home of Angie and Craig Boward. We will join the Southern Virginia Daylily Club and the Charlottesville Daylily Club for a garden tour and picnic. 

Please RSVP for this event as well for food purchasing.  The clubs will provide a main dish (fried chicken and cold spiral sliced ham), and general hospitality items (bottled water, plates and cutlery, etc.)  ANYONE PLANNING TO PARTAKE IN THE POTLUCK SOCIAL is asked to bring a side dish or dessert to place on the community table for all to enjoy.

Angie’s address is 3071 Rock Cress Ln, Sandy Hook, VA 23153

GARDEN TOURS:  10:00am – The activities will begin with a garden tour of Craig’s Tropical and Unusual plants in his sun, shade and bog gardens.  Garden tours will start around 10:00am.  Craig will be “walking and talking…”
PICNIC SOCIAL:  11:00-11:30am – best guess regarding this timing…

Bring your lawn chairs, a dish for the potluck luncheon, and enjoy a social afternoon in the gardens.


October 8 11:00-2:-00pm Meeting at the Tuckahoe Area Library y at 1901 Starling Dr., Henrico , VA 23229. Jim Murphy of Woodhenge Gardens will speak to the club. Please bring a dish to share for our luncheon.

October 22-23   Lilyhemmer daylily festive held in Camp Hill PA. Near Harrisburg, PA. http://www.ahs.region3.org

November 12 Thanksgiving luncheon. Please bring a dish to go with turkey.

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